

Quality Policy

Our company operates a quality system in all production units. In addition to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 standards, our management system also complies with many other specific guidelines and standards, such as ATEX, UL, CSA.

We use the CAQ system to systematize and document the test results, which works closely with the company's integrated management system. In this way, our processes, such as inspection of incoming goods, supplier qualification, in-process inspection and complaint handling, provide transparent, traceable data.

Our central measuring laboratory supervises, maintains, calibrates and calibrates all measuring devices at the company, as well as performs measurement tasks and, if required, primary sampling. About 3,000 measuring instruments are used in the production units of our company.

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From Design to Production

Our company focuses on increasing the efficiency of production processes and increasing added value. To this end, in 2012 we established our research and development unit, Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Research and Development Kft.

The unit consists of several divisions that, in cooperation with the parent houses, are involved in various development projects, including the development of plastic and mechanical components and the optimization of their assembly, taking into account local manufacturing experience.

In addition, the improvement of existing products has been identified as an important goal, with an emphasis on ease of use and cost-effectiveness. To improve production, processes are streamlined (where necessary with automation) and the integration of the latest technologies is examined. In addition, the group also deals with error analysis and problem solving.

Plastics Competency Center

Our newly established Plastics Competency Center handles all operations that concern molding tools and raw materials. A designated tool shop is tasked with repairing, maintaining and preparing tools for use in production. A state-of-the-art plastics analytical laboratory examines all raw materials and new granules used in the molding unit, along with finished goods. We check primarily for flowability, mechanical strength, shock resistance and material composition. We also investigate new granules that have not been used at our company before. Our Construction Design Department creates plastic injection molding tool designs, laying the groundworks for manufacturing injection molding tools in the future in-house.

A szerszámműhely a szerszámok gyártáshoz történő előkészítésével, javítással és karbantartással foglalkozik. A korszerűen kiépített műanyag-analitikai labor fő feladata a fröccsüzemben felhasznált alapanyagok, műanyag granulátumok illetve késztermékek vizsgálata.

Többek között ellenőrizzük a folyóképességet, a mechanikai szilárdságot, az ütésállóságot, az anyagösszetételt. Bevizsgáljuk azokat az új granulátumokat is, amelyeket korábban még nem alkalmaztunk cégünknél. A konstrukciós részleg műanyag-fröccsöntő szerszámok tervezésével foglalkozik, célja a fröccsöntő szerszámok házon belüli gyártásának megalapozása.

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Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Kft.



Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Kft.
H-6000 Kecskemét, Szent István körút 24.
Tel.: +36-76/515-500 • Fax: +36-76/414-560


Kereskedelmi iroda, bemutatóterem

H-1103 Budapest, Gyömrői út 86.
Tel.: +36-1/260-7730 • Fax: +36-1/261-3464
